Algorithms: Democracy’s Biggest Hindrance – Week 5

Can algorithms be agonistic? If so, what effect does this have on democracy? Does this hurt the democratic process at all? To answer, we turn to Crawford (2016), who goes further in depth with this question. With the digitization of modern society, algorithms are becoming more and more potent within our daily lives, vastly influencingContinue reading “Algorithms: Democracy’s Biggest Hindrance – Week 5”

Today’s Exclusive Normality – Week 4

‘Technology is a preoccupation of contemporary life. It provides ways of doing things, makes work, creates material goods and services, and defines ways of life’ (Goggin’s & Newell 2003, p. 3) What if everyone was in some way disabled? Would society be any different? Would this be considered normal? The answer is yes. Yes, societyContinue reading “Today’s Exclusive Normality – Week 4”

Dissecting the Digital Divide – Week 3

In today’s digital world, the average individual would assume the internet as a staple in the lives of all, both a necessity and communally shared luxury. Although, is this really the case? Is the all encompassing digital space as inclusive as it may seem? To further understand this, we turn to some of the mostContinue reading “Dissecting the Digital Divide – Week 3”

The Unforeseeable Ideal of the Digital Native – week 2

Were you born after 1984? Have you been raised in a digital world for your whole life? Do you possess proficient technical skills? If so, according to Kirschner and Bruyckere (2017), you are a digital native. Well, that is if the idea of the digital native was real. This premise is explored in depth byContinue reading “The Unforeseeable Ideal of the Digital Native – week 2”

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